Menu commands

The commands accessible from the 'hamburger' menu

Add images Add images to the current project.
Take photos Use the device to take photos and add to the current project.
Detect eyes Detect eye locations in all the images of the current project.
Media manager Play, delete, copy videos and posters that have been created by Zoetic.
Settings Used to change the behaviour of the imported images and the generated video.
Create poster Use frames from the current project to create a poster.
Music sync Detect beats in an audio track with which to sync the Zoetic video transitions. See here for a further explanation.
Export aligned images Exports a zip file of the project's images after they have been aligned. See here for why this might be useful.
Export project Export the current project in a zip file. The zip will contain all the project's images, settings and image point locations. This function can be used to back-up the project for safe keeping and for moving a project to a new device (including iOS devices) running Zoetic.
Import project Import a Zoetic project.
Extra videos Create a few fun video effects.
Messages and log View the toast messages that have been displayed (they may have been displayed too briefly) and view Zoetic's log file for any unusual behaviour. This function also provided the ability to email the log to Zoetic's author for debugging.

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