
As well as producing a video from a Zoetic project, it is possible to produce an image, a poster, from the frames of the video. Various settings can be applied to produce the desired effect.

Here are some example posters produced from the Ageing project with the number of frames set to 500. You may notice that there are actually 513 frames (27x19). Zoetic calculates a number that is as close to the user specified number as possible whilst producing the best fit to the dimensions of the poster.

Arrangement - left to right: aging1_poster_12

Arrangement - snake (left to right; right to left; left to right etc): aging1_poster_9

Arrangement - snake; with the addition of white lines to emphasise the flow of images: aging1_poster_8

Arrangement - spiral: aging1_poster_6

Arrangement - spiral; with the addition of a white line to emphasise the flow of images: aging1_poster_7

Here are a couple more examples of posters created from projects consisting of only two images. The change between frames is obviously a lot more subtle in these examples.

Arrangement - spiral; with the addition of a white line to emphasise the flow of images: railwaystation_poster

Arrangement - snake; with the addition of white lines to emphasise the flow of images: snowdemo_poster

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